Hormone Replacement Therapy

Evexipel Certified Providers

What are the most common symptoms of low testosterone or “low t” in men?

“Low T” or Andropause symptoms include:

  • Muscle Wasting

  • Increased Abdominal Fat

  • Low to No Energy

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Gynecomastia or “Man Boobs”

  • Hot Flashes in Men

  • Night Sweats in Men

  • Low Libido

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Hair Loss

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Difficulty Urinating

  • Urinating Frequently

  • Memory Loss

What are the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance in Women?

  • Unexplained Weight Gain

  • Excess Belly Fat

  • Night Sweats

  • Hot Flashes

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Mood Swings

  • Low Sexual Desire

  • Insomnia

  • Low Energy

  • Fatigue

  • Memory Problems

  • Lack of Focus

  • Fibroids

  • Endometriosis

  • Premenstrual Symptoms

  • Vaginal Dryness

Women’s pellet Thereapy

We require labs to be drawn before your initial appointment. Then, we will see you in office for a consultation to discuss symptoms, concerns and goals of treatment. We will schedule you for enough time for pellets to be placed that day. Four to five weeks later, labs will need to be drawn again to reassess hormone levels after treatment. We will see you again a week later for follow-up to discuss symptom improvement, or lack thereof, and make adjustments. We will continue to draw labs every 3-6 months to monitor your levels.

Women are typically pelleted every 3-4 months.

Men’s Pellet Therapy

We require labs to be drawn before your initial appointment. Then, we will see you in office for a consultation to discuss symptoms, concerns and goal of treatment. We will schedule you for enough time for pellets to be placed that day. Four to five weeks later, labs will need to be drawn. We will see you again a week later for follow-up to discuss symptom improvement or lack thereof and to make adjustments in treatment. We will continue to draw labs every 6 months to monitor your levels.

Men are typically pelleted every 5-6 months.


Men’s Testosterone Therapy

We will require labs to be drawn before your initial appointment. Then, we will see you in office for your first visit to discuss symptoms/concerns and to develop a treatment plan. You will need to have labs drawn after the first 6 weeks of therapy to recheck testosterone levels. Next, we will see you back in office at 8 weeks to discuss symptom improvement or lack thereof and make adjustments in your therapy. Once your labs are stable and symptoms have resolved, we will recheck labs every 3-6 months. Follow-up visits will be every 2-3 months per the DEA.


  • The term “bioidentical hormone therapy” began as a marketing term for custom-compounded hormones. But it is taken to mean hormones that have the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the body. Bioidentical hormones do not have to be custom-compounded (meaning custom mixed). There are many well-tested, FDA-approved hormone therapy products that meet this definition and are commercially available from retail pharmacies in a variety of doses that will allow you and your doctor to customize your therapy to meet your needs.

  • Patients who seek hormone therapy are often seeking relief from uncomfortable symptoms of hormone imbalance including hot flashes, night sweats, hair loss, insomnia, weight gain, brain fog, low energy, moodiness, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, and more. With pellet therapy, patients experience relief of these symptoms as well as additional benefits, such as improved libido, mental focus, and reduced risk of disease.

    The primary goal of hormone therapy is to address the root cause of these symptoms—hormone imbalance—and reach a state of hormone optimization.

  • Some patients may experience temporary, undesirable side effects as their body adapts to the treatment. The most common side effects are increased hair growth and skin breakouts due to increased oil production. There are other potential side effects we will discuss in your consult.

  • Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources, such as yams or soy, and designed to be structurally identical to the hormones produced by the human body. This feature ensures that when bioidentical hormones are supplemented to correct hormonal imbalance, the hormones react in the same manner as the hormones naturally produced by the body, therefore reducing side effects, supporting disease prevention, and alleviating uncomfortable symptoms.

    Compounded bioidentical hormones are not FDA-approved because each dose is tailored to the needs of each patient. The pharmacies and ingredients used to develop compounded bioidentical hormones are FDA-registered and approved.

    Some bioidentical hormones, such as Prometrium®, a bioidentical progesterone, and estriol, a bioidentical estrogen, are FDA-approved.

    There is no correlation to increased risk of breast or other cancer with the use of bioidentical hormones, as documented by countless peer-reviewed studies, analyses, and research.

  • We will complete a thorough examine, assess your lab work, and review your medical history before recommending treatment. We have a list of medical conditions that would exclude someone from being a candidate such as estrogen positive breast cancer survivor or prostate cancer survivor for example.

  • To prepare for your first pellet insertion, you should be up to date on routine screenings for your age and gender:


    Pap Smear

    PSA Test

    The appointment takes around 15 to 30 minutes and will involve a minor incision near the upper buttocks/hip area. The area may be sore for a few hours after the procedure. You will need to abstain from certain activities, such as strenuous exercise for several days post-procedure to ensure your incision heals properly

  • Patients may begin to notice symptom relief with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy within days to a few weeks after insertion. Most women experience improvement of at least one symptom within 72 hours of their first insertion, while men often see improvement of one or more symptoms within two weeks. The greatest improvements are most often observed in men and women after their second pellet insertion.

    Optimal results are best achieved when paired with a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and routine exercise.

  • At this time we are cash based clinic therefore we do not fill insurance. We are more than happy to provide you with diagnosis code and a receipt for you to fill for reimbursement.


  • $225 This is your labs to see if you are a candidate for hormone therapy and then your initial post HRT labs.

  • $175 Initial HRT workup for pellets if you decide to get pellets the same day we will give a $50 discount

  • $350 plus the consult fee

  • $700 plus the cost of consultation

  • $175 for the office visit. Plus the cost of testosterone. ( Typically around $100 for 2 month supply)

  • Women who have a uterus are required to be on progesterone to protect their uterus. This will be sent to the pharmacy, typically cost $90 for 90 day supply of medication.

At Prestige Health & Aesthetics we believe in helping you feel better from the inside out. We want to treat the whole body. we would love to help you feeL BETTER.

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